
The arts as a means of developing key and soft skills in disadvantaged adults

The project ProSkills is focused on the partnership’s creation of a common framework-model related to the application of creative and active training methods, based on the arts and the art therapy (music, painting, movies, drama...), with the aim to develop in the socially disadvantaged people a creative mind, proactive attitudes and behaviour, ability of learning to learn and to self-develop themselves. This means promoting in the target group autonomy, initiative spirit, creativity, capacity of innovation and self-improvement, problem solving. Consequently to this promotion, the learners can improve the quality of their private and professional life, enrich their relations on different dimensions, and increase the level of social participation and civil engagement. This means also increase of key/soft skills that can foster opportunities of starting again to study, finding a job or ameliorating the work status of these people, who very often are in a situation of social exclusion because of their disadvantaged condition.


August - 2009 / July - 2011

Target Groups

With this kind of project we intend also to spread among socially disadvantaged adults the culture of life-long training and of learning foreign languages as a channel to overcome cultural and racial barriers and to communicate with people from other countries, face-to-face or using the web technologies.

As to the training staff, the project will improve the qualification of the course designers, the trainers and the tutors that work with socially disadvantaged people, so to have professionals that are more prepared to face life problems and consequent education difficulties proper of the target group. They will also improve their competence in managing and promoting events of non-formal and informal learning, by means of methods like theatre, cinema, music, arts.

The positive results of the programme found ground of application not only on socially disadvantaged people but also on the other learners. In fact the art methods used appeared effective also on target groups different from the project ones.

Products and Outcomes

  • Proskills Manual
  • Proskills leaflet
  • Sharing experiences and methods on art as education
  • Proskills website

Project Partners

it Tecnopras sas di Miliacca G. & C. (Italy)